Fixed-price tech gigs with certified experts.

Covering everything from Software Development, AI, Data, Design and Product Management.

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A tech gig is a concise project with a clear scope that requires an expert to execute.

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e.g. write some code, build a plugin, QA test a feature, etc..


draw inspiration from our curated gig templates.

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Design Prototype

Create an interactive prototype as an early model of a product to test concepts and functionality, explore ideas, and collect user feedback before starting development.

Key Deliverables

  • High-Fidelity Visual Mockups
  • Interactive Prototyping
  • Design Revisions and Refinement
  • Documentation and Design Handover

Top Use Cases:

  • Provide stakeholders with a product demo to facilitate decision-making and approvals.
  • Run user tests to collect feedback and iterate before starting development.
~3 weeks
Learn MoreUse Template

High-Fidelity Visual Mockups
Produce detailed mockups of the product that closely resemble the final design. These mockups give a clear visual representation of what the product will look like.

Interactive Prototyping
Develop an interactive prototype that simulates the user interface and experience. This allows for testing and evaluation of navigation, layout, and overall user interaction.

Design Revisions and Refinement
Iterate on the design based on testing outcomes and stakeholder feedback. Refine the prototype to ensure it meets the desired quality and functional requirements.

Documentation and Design Handover
Document the prototype and hand over all assets to development teams or stakeholders for further development or final production.

We need to design and prototype a new mobile app for our e-learning platform. The app will feature user authentication, course browsing, video streaming, and progress tracking. We prefer using Figma for the design process. The prototype should demonstrate intuitive navigation and a clean, modern interface. Please provide examples of previous app designs, your approach to this project, and an estimated timeline.

Axure RP

Design Sprint

A design sprint is a collaborative, structured and time-constrained process used to define, prototype, and test ideas or solutions to complex problems within a few days.

Key Deliverables

  • Problem Identification and Goal Setting
  • Ideation and Concept Development
  • Rapid Prototyping
  • User Testing and Iterations

Top Use Cases:

  • Quickly validate new product ideas to align with user needs.
  • Innovate solutions for complex challenges in products or processes.
~5-10 days
Learn MoreUse Template

Problem Identification and Goal Setting
Define the problem and set specific goals to ensure the team focuses on the right challenges and objectives.

Ideation and Concept Development
Brainstorming sessions to generate a wide range of ideas and concepts. Select the most promising ideas for further development in the sprint.

Rapid Prototyping
Create a low-fidelity prototype of the selected concept. The prototype should be functional enough to convey the idea and gather user feedback.

User Testing and Iterations
Conduct user testing sessions with the prototype to collect insights and reactions from real users. Analyze the feedback and iterate to refine the concept.

We are looking for an experienced facilitator to lead a design sprint for our new fintech product. The goal is to rapidly prototype and validate key features such as user onboarding, transaction tracking, and budgeting tools. We need someone who can guide our team through ideation, sketching, prototyping, and user testing within a week.


Design Audit

The Design Audit offers a thorough assessment and strategic roadmap to enhance user experience, drive conversions, guide redesigns, and support market expansion initiatives.

Key Deliverables

  • UX Heuristics Evaluation Report
  • Prioritized Recommendations List
  • Implementation Roadmap
  • Best Practices and Guidelines

Top Use Cases:

  • Product Optimization for Market Leadership
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)
~2-3 weeks
Learn MoreUse Template

UX Heuristics Evaluation Report
A detailed report identifying redesign opportunities based on established UX principles and the client's business goals.

Prioritized Recommendations List
A ranked list of actionable UX improvements based on the audit findings, prioritized by their expected impact and effort required for implementation.

Implementation Roadmap
A strategic plan outlining the phases of implementing the recommended UX changes, including timelines, resources needed, and potential risks.

Best Practices and Guidelines
A compilation of UX best practices, design patterns, and guidelines tailored to the product’s context, aimed at informing future design decisions and maintaining UX quality.

We want to conduct a comprehensive design audit of our e-commerce website with focus on usability, accessibility, visual design, and overall user experience. We would need a detailed report with actionable recommendations for improvements, including examples of best practices. Experience with e-commerce and is mandatory. Please share your approach and any relevant examples of past design audits you’ve conducted.

Google Workspace
Adobe XD
Axure RP

Product Analytics Setup

Set up the tools that capture, analyse, and report on user interactions and behaviour (e.g. Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Hotjar, etc).

Key Deliverables

  • Tools Stack Selection and Integration
  • User Interaction Tracking Setup
  • Data Collection and Management
  • Reporting Dashboard Creation

Top Use Cases:

  • Guide product development and feature prioritization with user behaviour data.
  • Optimize conversion rates by understanding where users drop out.
~2 weeks
Learn MoreUse Template

Tools Stack Selection and Integration
Choose the appropriate analytics tools for the product (e.g. Google Analytics, Hotjar, etc) and help define the relevant KPIs to track.

User Interaction Tracking Setup
Configure the tools to track user interactions within the product. This includes page views, clicks, feature usage, and user journeys to understand how users navigate and use the product.

Data Collection and Management
Establish a system for efficient data collection and management. Ensure the data is accurate, consistent, and complies with privacy regulations.

Reporting Dashboard Creation
Create one or more dashboards to visualize the data and KPIs, making it easier to interpret and share insights across the team or organization.

We need to set up a comprehensive analytics solution for our website using Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. The goal is to track user behavior, conversion rates, and key performance metrics accurately. The setup should include event tracking, custom dashboards, and regular reporting. Please provide a detailed plan outlining your approach, timeline, and any previous experience with similar projects.

Google Analytics
Google Cloud


Design an abstract visual framework for a product, like a mobile or web app. This enables the exploration and definition of the information architecture, user interactions, visual layout, content, and general functionality.

Key Deliverables

  • Information Architecture
  • User Interaction and Behaviour Notes
  • Data Flow and System Dependencies
  • Content Placement Guide‍

Top Use Cases:

  • Provide the big picture of the user experience in a lo-fi format, to focus on structure, functionality and user flows, before hi-fi design and development.
  • Visualize an early concept, i.e. the napkin sketch, so it can be evaluated by stakeholders and even end users.
~1-3 weeks
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Information Architecture
Wireframes outline the layout and placement of elements like navigation menus, content sections, headers, footers, dynamic and interactive elements.

User Interaction and Behaviour Notes
Illustrate interactions and behaviors, e.g. what happens when a user clicks a button or hovers over an element. This is essential in guiding developers during the implementation phase.

Data Flow and System Dependencies
Explore and document the interaction between user interface, aka the front end, and the other components of the system, like back end servers and 3rd party systems.

Content Placement Guide
Define areas for textual and visual content within the wireframes. This helps to plan the content organisation and optimize its displayed for a great user experience.

I need to create wireframes for a new mobile app I want to develop. The app will focus on fitness tracking and general health. We are looking for detailed wireframes for key screens, including user registration, activity tracking, and progress dashboards.

Adobe XD
Balsamiq Mockups
Axure RP

Product Development Tooling

Set up your project management stack, covering product roadmap, issue tracking, development workflow and release pipeline with a best practice implementation of JIRA, Linear, GitHub Projects and similar tools.

Key Deliverables

  • Project Structure Creation‍
  • Workflow Customization‍
  • Issue Types and Fields Configuration‍
  • User Roles and Permissions Setup

Top Use Cases:

  • Implement Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban.
  • Set up a system for reporting, tracking, and resolving bugs and issues.
~3 days
Learn MoreUse Template

Project Structure Creation
Identify and implement the ideal  project delivery methodology, like Scrum, Kanban, Waterfall, or a combined workflow tailored for your team and goals.

Workflow Customization
Implement a delivery system with clear implementation stages, task assignment rules, no redundancies and no bureaucracy.

Issue Types and Fields Configuration
Configure issue types, like stories, tasks, or bugs, with their specific custom fields, requirements and workflows.

User Roles and Permissions Setup
Define user roles and permissions to control access and actions. This ensures team members have the appropriate level of access to projects and data.

Dashboards and Reports
Set up analytical tools for real-time tracking of project status and team performance, enabling continuous improvements with long term impact.

Automation and Integration
Expand and consolidate your workflow with Confluence or Notion for documentation, GitHub or GitLab for code, Slack and Teams for notifications and real-time collaboration, as well as continuous integration and delivery CI/CD systems.

I'm looking for an expert to set up a project management system for our software development team using Jira and the Atlassian Suite. We need a customized workflow to handle our agile process, including sprint planning, issue tracking, and reporting. The setup should also integrate with our existing tools like GitHub and Slack.


Product Expert Coach

Specialized guidance by a topic-specific Product Expert for teams or individual contributors facing complex product-related challenges or looking to enhance specific skills.

Key Deliverables

  • Challenge Assessment & Resolution
  • Customized Learning Plan Development
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Ongoing Mentorship and Support

Top Use Cases:

  • Provide expert support to an individual or team who is struggling with a problem.
  • Make up for missing expertise and provide coaching to an individual or team.
~2 weeks
Learn MoreUse Template

Challenge Assessment & Resolution
Support with finding a solution to the challenge at hand, following an initial onboarding to understand the problem in detail.

Customized Learning Plan Development
Develop a personalized plan focused on specific skills and problem-solving strategies, tailored to meet individual or team goals.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Provide direct, personalized coaching to enhance skills and help solve a challenge. Ideal for focused learning and fast problem resolution.

Ongoing Mentorship and Support
Establish a mentorship program for continuous learning and support. Aims to address evolving challenges and skill enhancement over time.

We need a product coach to guide our team in enhancing our product development processes. We use tools like Jira for project management and Figma for design. The coach should provide hands-on sessions, best practices, and actionable feedback. Experience in SaaS products and a strong track record in product management are essential.

No items found.

Market Research

Explore market trends, customer preferences, and the competitive landscape, in order to guide strategic decision-making in product development and business planning.

Key Deliverables

  • Market Analysis Report
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Customer Insight Summary
  • Segmentation Analysis

Top Use Cases:

  • Guide the development or improvement of a product
  • Strategic business planning and decision-making
~1 week
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  • Market Analysis Report
    Comprehensive report detailing market size, growth trends, industry trends, and consumer demographics. Essential for understanding the market and identifying growth opportunities.
  • Competitive Analysis
    In-depth examination of key competitors, covering their products, market positions, and strategies. Helps identify market gaps and competitive advantages.
  • Customer Insight Summary
    Summary of qualitative and quantitative research on customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. Crucial for aligning products with customer expectations.
  • Segmentation Analysis
    Breakdown and analysis of market segments, including demographic and behavioral segmentation. Useful for targeted marketing and product development strategies.
  • SWOT Analysis
    A thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market context. Provides strategic insights for business planning.
  • Trend Forecasting Report
    Forward-looking analysis identifying upcoming market trends. Helps businesses prepare for future market changes and opportunities.

We are a health tech startup looking for a comprehensive market research report on the telemedicine industry. We need insights into current market trends, key players, target demographics, and potential growth opportunities. The report should include competitive analysis, customer behavior insights, and regulatory landscape. Please provide details on your approach, data sources, and timeline for delivery. Experience in the health tech sector is required.

Google Trends

Brand Identity Package

Comprehensive suite of visual elements that together define how a brand presents itself to the world, across all touchpoints of the brand, from digital to physical.

Key Deliverables

  • Logo, Colors and Typography
  • Brand Style Guide
  • Business Cards and Stationery
  • Digital Assets

Top Use Cases:

  • Create a visual identity for a new business.
  • Rebrand to signal change and realign with updated goals and values.
~10 days
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Logo, Colors and Typography
The package includes a custom logo, a curated color palette, and selected typography, providing the visual foundation for a brand's identity across all channels.

Brand Style Guide
A document that outlines how to use all these elements properly, including logo placement, color usage, font applications, and more, to ensure brand consistency.

Business Cards and Stationery
Designs for official stationery, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, and other office or company materials.

Digital Assets
Including social media profile designs, email signature templates, and other digital marketing materials.

We need to create a comprehensive brand identity package for a new company and product, including a logo, color palette, typography, business cards, and social media templates. Our brand aims to convey innovation, reliability, and modernity. Please provide a detailed proposal including your approach, timeline, and examples of previous work in creating brand identity packages for tech companies. Experience with startups and an understanding of the tech industry is preferred.

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Google Fonts

Code Review

A Code Review is a comprehensive assessment of a codebase, conducted by an expert software engineer, to ensure the code is robust, efficient, and secure while suggesting enhancements for the overall code quality.

Key Deliverables

  • Code Quality Report‍
  • Security Assessment‍
  • Performance Analysis
  • Documentation Review

Top Use Cases:

  • Assess the code quality and coding practices of an individual, team or supplier.
  • Identify code enhancements
~1 week
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Code Quality Report
Evaluate the code's adherence to best practices for writing clean and efficient code, highlighting areas for improvement in readability, maintainability, and scalability.

Security Assessment‍
Identify security vulnerabilities that could be exploited and provide recommendations for mitigation to improve the application's security.

Performance Analysis
Discover inefficiencies and bottlenecks and provide suggestions for optimization to enhance performance.

Documentation Review
Assess the code's documentation for accuracy and completeness, with recommendations for improvements to facilitate better understanding and maintenance.

I need a detailed code review for my Angular and Python (Flask) web application. Focus should be on improving code quality, identifying any security vulnerabilities, and suggesting performance optimizations. A comprehensive report with specific recommendations and action points would be greatly appreciated.


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG combines the generative power of pre-trained models like GPT with the specific, contextual insights from proprietary datasets to deliver highly accurate and relevant content.

Key Deliverables

  • Data Source Integration
  • Model Training and Fine-Tuning
  • Testing and Quality Assurance
  • APIs and User Interfaces

Top Use Cases:

  • Enhance customer support to deliver precise answers to user queries
  • Tailored content creation, combining company-specific data with broad knowledge.
~3 weeks
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Data Source Integration
Set up and integrate relevant data sources or knowledge bases that the model will retrieve information from.

Model Training and Fine-Tuning
Train the RAG model using a blend of generative and retrieval-based approaches. Fine-tune the model to effectively combine retrieved information with generative capabilities.

Testing and Quality Assurance
Thoroughly test the model for various scenarios and use cases to ensure the quality of generated content and the accuracy of retrieved information.

APIs and User Interfaces
Various APIs and user interfaces for querying the RAG system, complete with comprehensive documentation and integration support. On a case by case basis.

I'm looking for help setting up a system to enhance our document search functionality so that we make it easier for our internal people to find the most relevant information quickly. The system should retrieve the best matches from our database and present them in a useful way. Please explain your plan in simple terms and include how it will work.

Hugging Face

Design Review

The Design Review offers a swift yet insightful assessment aimed at enhancing user experience and addressing immediate design concerns.

Key Deliverables

  • Expert Cognitive Walkthrough Recording
  • Design Quick Wins Report
  • Rapid Implementation Suggestions

Top Use Cases:

  • Design Optimization for Quick Wins
  • Pre-launch Design Sanity Check
~1 day
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Expert Cognitive Walkthrough Recording
Video recording of an expert conducting a cognitive walkthrough of the product, highlighting usability issues, user pain points, and potential improvements.

Design Quick Wins Report
A concise report highlighting immediate design enhancements and quick wins to improve user experience rapidly.

Rapid Implementation Suggestions
Swift, targeted suggestions for implementing recommended UX changes with minimal disruption, focusing on high-value improvements.

We are looking for a design pro to conduct a design review of our mobile health app. The review should focus on user interface, user experience, and overall visual appeal. Our app targets both iOS and Android platforms. We need actionable feedback on how to enhance usability, accessibility, and aesthetic coherence. Please provide a detailed report with specific recommendations and examples of your previous design review work. Experience with health tech applications is preferred.

Google Workspace
Adobe XD
Axure RP

Technical Scoping

Define the requirements for building a product, covering everything from technology & tools stack, system architecture, time & cost estimate, and team setup.

Key Deliverables

  • Technical Validation
  • Tech Stack and System Architecture
  • Time & Cost Estimate on a Roadmap
  • Team Setup for Delivery

Top Use Cases:

  • Plan the technical delivery of a project, starting from a wireframe or design.
  • Get a Time & Cost estimate to understand the effort and investment required for delivery.
~1-2 weeks
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  • Technical Validation
    Evaluate the product to determine if the necessary technology, resources, and capabilities are available to turn the concept into a reality.
  • Tech Stack and System Architecture
    Define the set of technologies to be used and how they interact within the system. It includes selecting programming languages, databases, and other tools that will form the basis of the product's development.
  • Time & Cost Estimate on a Roadmap
    Create a high level roadmap that includes milestones and deliverables. On the back of the roadmap create an indicative time & cost estimate to understand costs and budget.
  • Team Setup for Delivery
    Create the structure and composition of the project team, outlining the roles, responsibilities, and expertise needed to execute the project effectively.

I need assistance with the technical scoping and feasibility assessment for a new mobile app I am building. I'm looking to define the technical requirements including tech stack and architecture, create a detailed project plan, and outline the architecture. Please include key milestones, deliverables, and any potential challenges with proposed solutions.

Google Workspace

AI Expert Coach

Engage an AI Expert Coach to assist an individual or team with a complex challenge or cover for missing expertise across AI/ML Engineering, Data Science or Data Engineering.

Key Deliverables

  • Challenge Assessment & Resolution
  • Customized Learning Plan Development
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Ongoing Mentorship and Support

Top Use Cases:

  • Provide expert support to an individual or team who is struggling with a problem.
  • Make up for missing expertise and provide coaching to an individual or team.
~1 week
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Challenge Assessment & Resolution
Support with finding a resolution to the challenge at hand, following an initial onboarding to understand the problem in detail.

Customized Learning Plan Development
Develop a personalized plan focused on specific skills and problem-solving strategies, tailored to meet individual or team goals.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Provide direct, personalized coaching to enhance skills and help solve a challenge. Ideal for focused learning and fast problem resolution.

Ongoing Mentorship and Support
Establish a mentorship program for continuous learning and support. Aims to address evolving challenges and skill enhancement over time.

I need an AI expert coach to help our team understand and implement AI technologies into our marketing strategy. We need guidance on how AI can improve customer segmentation, predictive analytics, and personalized marketing. Our team has limited AI knowledge, so we need explanations that are easy to follow and practical. Experience with AI tools like TensorFlow or similar is preferred.

Jupyter Notebook
Google Colab

AI Opportunity Mapping

Analyze and identify potential areas within a business where AI can be implemented to drive innovation, efficiency, and competitive advantage.

Key Deliverables

  • Business Process Analysis
  • AI Solution Identification
  • Feasibility Study and ROI Estimation
  • Roadmap Development

Top Use Cases:

  • Identify AI solutions that automate tasks, streamline operations, and reduce costs.
  • Enhance customer engagement by applying AI to personalise user experience.
~4 weeks
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Business Process Analysis
Review existing business processes to identify potential areas for AI integration. Focus on processes that can benefit from automation, data analysis, and intelligent decision support.

AI Solution Identification
Pinpoint specific AI technologies and solutions that align with the identified opportunities, covering Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), and others.

Feasibility Study and ROI Estimation
Assess the feasibility of implementing the identified AI solutions and estimate the return on investment.

Roadmap Development
Create a strategic roadmap outlining the steps for AI implementation, including timelines, milestones, and required resources.

I'm looking for an AI expert to help us map out opportunities for integrating AI into our retail business. We need a thorough analysis of potential applications, such as inventory management, customer personalization, and sales forecasting. Our goal is to identify the most impactful areas where AI can improve efficiency and drive growth.

Jupyter Notebook
Google Colab
Hugging Face

Technical Due Diligence

Detailed evaluation of a company's tech assets to assess the technical risks, capabilities, and potential. Often undertaken before M&A, investments or handovers.

Key Deliverables

  • Technology Stack Analysis
  • Code Quality and Security Assessment
  • Infrastructure Review
  • Tech Team and Leadership Evaluation

Top Use Cases:

  • Assess the technical state of a product, prior to a supplier change or handover.
  • Assess the current state, risks and value of technology assets, prior to an acquisition.
~2 weeks
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Technology Stack Analysis
Evaluate the current technology stack for its efficiency, scalability, and suitability for future business needs. Identify any outdated technologies or potential areas for upgrades.

Code Quality and Security Assessment
Perform a thorough review of the company's codebase for quality, maintainability, and security vulnerabilities.

Infrastructure Review
Assess the IT infrastructure and operations for robustness, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. Examine backup systems, disaster recovery plans, and IT support structures.

Tech Team and Leadership Evaluation
Analyze the competence, structure, and effectiveness of the technical team and its leadership, to assess the team’s ability to support current and future technological needs.

I need to conduct a technical due diligence for a potential acquisition of a SaaS platform built with Django and PostgreSQL. The review should assess the codebase quality, scalability, security, and overall architecture. Additionally, please evaluate the development practices, documentation, and any potential technical debt. A comprehensive report with findings, risks, and recommendations is required to help us make an informed decision.


Prompt Engineering Task

Create and refine prompts for interacting with Large Language Models (e.g. ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude) to ensure they produce specific and relevant responses.

Key Deliverables

  • Prompt Design and Development
  • Testing and Iteration
  • Model Training and Fine-Tuning
  • Documentation and Best Practices Guide

Top Use Cases:

  • Improve chatbot interactions to ensure relevant responses to use queries.
  • Improve the extraction of precise and meaningful information from LLMs.
~8 hours
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Prompt Design and Development
Create prompts that clearly convey the desired task or question to the LLM. This involves understanding the nuances of the LLM and how it interpret various prompts.

Testing and Iteration
Test different prompts with the model to evaluate their effectiveness. Iterate and refine prompts based on the quality and relevance of the model's responses.

Model Training and Fine-Tuning
Collaborate in the training and fine-tuning of the LLM to better respond to crafted prompts.

Documentation and Best Practices Guide
Create comprehensive documentation on effective prompt crafting techniques. Include a best practices guide to assist others in creating effective prompts.

I'm looking for a prompt engineering expert to help us optimize and create effective prompts for our AI-driven customer support chatbot. The task involves designing prompts that improve the chatbot's accuracy, relevance, and user engagement. We are using OpenAI's GPT-4 for our technology stack. Experience with AI language models and customer support applications is preferred.

OpenAI GPT Playground
Hugging Face Model Hub
AI21 Labs Studio
Weights & Biases
Jupyter Notebooks

Technical Feasibility Assessment

Evaluate a project or a product idea to determine if the necessary technology, resources, and capabilities are available to turn the concept into a reality.

Key Deliverables

  • Feasibility Report
  • Technology Requirements Analysis
  • Risk and Constraint Identification
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis

Top Use Cases:

  • Find out if an idea or product is technically viable and can be successfully completed.
  • Inform investment decisions by understanding the technical viability and risks associated with a project.
~1 week
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Feasibility Report
Compile a comprehensive technical feasibility report, summarizing findings and providing recommendations. Offer insights on the viability and potential roadblocks of the project.

Technology Requirements Analysis
Assess the technology required for the project, including software, hardware, and technical expertise. Determine if current technology is sufficient or if new solutions need to be developed.

Risk and Constraint Identification
Identify technical risks and constraints that may impact the project. Analyze factors like technological complexity, integration challenges, and scalability issues.

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to weigh the technical costs against the expected benefits. Determine if the project is financially viable from a technical perspective.

I need to perform a technical feasibility test for a new IoT-based home automation system we're planning to develop. The project involves integrating hardware sensors with a cloud-based platform using AWS and Python. I need an assessment of the project's technical viability, potential challenges, and recommendations for the best approaches and technologies to use.

DevOps Architecture
Software Architecture
Software Development
Project Management
Data Analysis

Functional Prototype

Build a working model of a product to showcase its primary features, using code (i.e. Javascript, Python) or no-code solutions (i.e. Webflow, Airtable, Bubble)

Key Deliverables

  • Analysis, Alignment and Planning
  • Functional Prototype
  • Onboarding and Training
  • Resulting Assets Pack

Top Use Cases:

  • Build a proof of concept to demonstrate how a certain product might work.
  • Build a simple MVP to validate market demand, with minimal upfront investment.
  • Streamline a certain process or task with a custom application.
~4-8 weeks
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Analysis, Alignment and Planning
Conduct an initial analysis of requirements to plan the prototype and ensure it aligns with the envisioned end-product.

Functional Prototype
Deliver the working prototype suitable for both non-technical and technical users. Offers a fast and efficient way to bring ideas to life.

Onboarding and Training
Onboard the key stakeholders on how to use and operate the prototype.

Resulting Assets Pack
An archive with all the assets generated during the planning and development of the prototype (e.g. code, designs, accounts, data, documentation, etc)

I need to create a functional prototype for a project management tool. The prototype should be built using Bubble and include features like task management, team collaboration, and progress tracking. The tool should allow users to create and assign tasks, set deadlines, and communicate within the platform. Please ensure the prototype is fully interactive and visually appealing.


Conversational Chatbot

Create an AI chatbot using company data to handle various interactions and tasks that enhance customer service, automate responses, and provide personalized experiences.

Key Deliverables

  • Chatbot Design and Architecture Planning
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • AI Model Training and Integration
  • Testing and Optimization

Top Use Cases:

  • Handle customer inquiries and support requests automatically.
  • E-commerce & sales assistance for product recommendations and more.
~2 weeks
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Chatbot Design and Architecture Planning
Create a comprehensive plan for the chatbot’s design, including conversation flows, interaction patterns, and user experience strategies.

Data Collection and Analysis
Gather and analyze company-specific data to inform the chatbot's responses and interactions.

AI Model Training and Integration
Train the AI model with collected data, employing machine learning techniques for natural language understanding and processing.

Testing and Optimization
Test to ensure the chatbot handles queries accurately and fine tune on user feedback and interaction data.

I need to develop a conversational chatbot for our e-commerce website. The chatbot should handle customer inquiries, assist with product searches, and provide order status updates. We're using Python and Dialogflow for our tech stack. The project involves designing the conversation flow, integrating the bot with our existing systems, and ensuring a seamless user experience. Please provide a detailed plan, including your approach, timeline, and any examples of similar projects you've completed.

Microsoft Bot Framework
IBM Watson Assistant
Amazon Lex

Penetration Test (PenTest)

Run a controlled cyber attack simulation aimed at identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities to strengthen a platform's defenses against real threats.

Key Deliverables

  • Vulnerability Report
  • Risk Assessment
  • Remediation Recommendations
  • Executive Summary

Top Use Cases:

  • Ensure a new project or product is secure before go-live.
  • Reinforce security measures and uncover vulnerabilities following a breach.
~2 weeks
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Vulnerability Report
A comprehensive document detailing all vulnerabilities uncovered, their severity, and the potential impact on the organization.

Risk Assessment
An analysis prioritizing the risks associated with the identified vulnerabilities, considering the organization’s specific context and threat landscape.

Remediation Recommendations
Clear and actionable advice on how to address each vulnerability to mitigate risks and improve security.

Executive Summary
A concise overview of the test outcomes, tailored for senior management, emphasizing critical vulnerabilities and recommended actions.

I need to conduct a comprehensive penetration test (pentest) on our web application built with React and Node.js. The goal is to identify and report any security vulnerabilities, including those related to authentication, data storage, and APIs. Please provide a detailed report with findings, risk assessments, and actionable recommendations for improving security. A summary of the testing methodology and tools used would also be appreciated.


Tech Expert Coach

Guidance for a team or individual contributor to solve a complex challenge or elevate a skill. The Expert Coach is selected according to the technologies required.

Key Deliverables

  • Challenge Assessment & Resolution
  • Customized Learning Plan Development
  • One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Ongoing Mentorship and Support

Top Use Cases:

  • Provide expert support to an individual or team who is struggling with a problem.
  • Make up for missing expertise and provide coaching to an individual or team.
~2 weeks
Learn MoreUse Template

Challenge Assessment & Resolution
Support with finding a resolution to the challenge at hand, following an initial onboarding to understand the problem in detail.

Customized Learning Plan Development
Develop a personalized plan focused on specific tech skills and problem-solving strategies, tailored to meet individual or team goals.

One-on-One Coaching Sessions
Provide direct, personalized coaching to enhance skills and solve tech challenges. Ideal for focused learning and immediate problem resolution.

Ongoing Mentorship and Support
Establish a mentorship program for continuous learning and support. Aims to address evolving challenges and skill enhancement over time.

I'm looking for an expert to guide our team through the adoption of a new cloud-based infrastructure using AWS. We need help with best practices, architecture design, and implementation strategies. The coach should provide hands-on sessions, resources for further learning, and ongoing support as we transition. Experience with AWS services, including EC2, S3, and Lambda, is essential.


Tech Interviews (Setup & Conduct)

Create the content for technical interviews with an expert specialised in the tech stack and role - for any tech stack - and then conduct the interviews with the expert.

Key Deliverables

  • Interview Process Design
  • Question Bank Creation
  • Real Interview Conduct
  • Feedback and Iteration

Top Use Cases:

  • Free up capacity from your tech teams
  • Cover lack of hiring expertise for your teams
~3 days
Learn MoreUse Template

Interview Process Design
Craft a structured interview process tailored to the organization's specific tech roles and requirements. This includes defining stages, formats (e.g. coding tests, technical discussions, and behavioral assessments), and evaluation criteria.

Question Bank Creation
Develop a comprehensive set of interview questions and scenarios, covering various technical aspects relevant to the specific tech stack and role. Ensure questions test both fundamental knowledge and practical skills.

Real Interview Conduct
Lead and conduct actual technical interviews with candidates, ensuring a thorough assessment of their skills and compatibility with the role. Focus on both technical acumen and cultural fit.

Feedback and Iteration
After each interview, provide detailed feedback to candidates and hiring teams. Use insights from each session to continually refine and improve the interview process.

I'm looking for a professional to set up and conduct technical interviews for our software engineering team. We need assistance in designing a comprehensive interview process that includes coding challenges, system design questions, and behavioural assessments. The goal is to identify top talent with expertise in Python, JavaScript, and cloud technologies.

.NET Framework

Custom Gig

Create your own gig and get up to 3 bids from experts.

Work with experts like

Easy and fast. Start a gig, get bids, pick the best, get it done.


Start a gig

Create a custom gig or pick from our library of curated best practice services.


Review bids

Get 1 to 3 bids from our certified experts, pre-validated by our curators.


Pick the best

Discuss the gig and the bid with the expert(s), then agree on price and delivery.


Get it done

The expert executes the gig as agreed, collaboratively.

Price: Bid price + 17.5% UPPER Fee
Payment: 50% upfront, 50% on completion
Start a Gig
  • Vetted Experts

  • Best-practice delivery

  • Specialisation, focus

  • Service fee

  • Coverage

  • Gigs

  • Yes, exclusively

  • Yes, all bids are curated by experts

  • Tech

  • 23%

  • Dev, AI, Data, Design, Product

  • Fiverr, Upwork

  • No

  • No

  • No

  • 20%+

  • Everything

  • Agency

  • Variable

  • No

  • Variable

  • 50%+

  • Variable

“The people at UPPER have a good feeling for what their customers need. After a very short briefing they found the perfectly fitting designer and developer for our project. Will definitely work more often with them!"

Andrea Franke

Director of Engineering, Gorillas

Have questions?
Read on.

What is a Tech Gig?

A tech gig is a mini-project with a clear and concise scope, is typically under 1 month, and requires an expert to execute. Gigs should ideally require little project onboarding time.

What if I need more work done after the gig is completed?

You can continue working with the expert who executed the gig on an hourly basis.

Are gigs a good option for larger projects?

For projects over 2 months with more than 1 expert, fixed price gigs become impractical and we strongly recommend you to hire the expert(s) via, on a fixed monthly retainer or engage over an hourly 'time and materials' setup.

How many bids do I receive for a gig?

For every gig you will receive between 1 and 3 bids to review.

How do payments work?

Payments are issued in 2 phase, with UPPER in the middle for security. The first payment of 50% is done upfront to start work. The second payment is done at the end after the work has been delivered.