Market Research

Explore market trends, customer preferences, and the competitive landscape, in order to guide strategic decision-making in product development and business planning.

Avg. Duration
~1 week
Avg. Price
AI Augmented Delivery
Human Expert Delivery

Delivery is executed by a vetted expert specialised on this gig.

  • Market Analysis Report
    Comprehensive report detailing market size, growth trends, industry trends, and consumer demographics. Essential for understanding the market and identifying growth opportunities.
  • Competitive Analysis
    In-depth examination of key competitors, covering their products, market positions, and strategies. Helps identify market gaps and competitive advantages.
  • Customer Insight Summary
    Summary of qualitative and quantitative research on customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. Crucial for aligning products with customer expectations.
  • Segmentation Analysis
    Breakdown and analysis of market segments, including demographic and behavioral segmentation. Useful for targeted marketing and product development strategies.
  • SWOT Analysis
    A thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market context. Provides strategic insights for business planning.
  • Trend Forecasting Report
    Forward-looking analysis identifying upcoming market trends. Helps businesses prepare for future market changes and opportunities.

We are a health tech startup looking for a comprehensive market research report on the telemedicine industry. We need insights into current market trends, key players, target demographics, and potential growth opportunities. The report should include competitive analysis, customer behavior insights, and regulatory landscape. Please provide details on your approach, data sources, and timeline for delivery. Experience in the health tech sector is required.

Google Trends
Social Mention
Google Analytics

Curated by

What is the role of the curator?

Rebecca C.

Product Director with expertise in strategic thinking, creative problem solving, and data analytics. Often engaged with comprehensive market evaluations, competitor assessments, customer insights, and segmentation studies.

12+ years of experience

Typical deliverables

  • <h3>Market Analysis Report</h3>
    Comprehensive report detailing market size, growth trends, industry trends, and consumer demographics. Essential for understanding the market and identifying growth opportunities.
  • <h3>Competitive Analysis</h3>
    In-depth examination of key competitors, covering their products, market positions, and strategies. Helps identify market gaps and competitive advantages.
  • <h3>Customer Insight Summary</h3>
    Summary of qualitative and quantitative research on customer preferences, needs, and behaviors. Crucial for aligning products with customer expectations.
  • <h3>Segmentation Analysis</h3>
    Breakdown and analysis of market segments, including demographic and behavioral segmentation. Useful for targeted marketing and product development strategies.
  • <h3>SWOT Analysis</h3>
    A thorough analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the market context. Provides strategic insights for business planning.
  • <h3>Trend Forecasting Report</h3>
    Forward-looking analysis identifying upcoming market trends. Helps businesses prepare for future market changes and opportunities.

typical tool and tech stack used

Google Trends
Social Mention
Google Analytics
When is
Market Research

Guide the development or improvement of a product

Strategic business planning and decision-making

“I am very happy with this collaboration. The talent quality has been really good and I see a strong added-value of working with the UPPER platform, team and talent. Very fast turnaround and consistent talent quality. A great platform and team to support all of our needs.”

Heiko Franz

Director of Engineering

ONLY executed by experts!

Covering everything from Software Development, AI, Data, Design or Product Management.

Start a Gig


9+ years of product research experience


6+ years of technical analysis experience


10+ years of technical analysis experience


3+ years of user research experience


13+ years in product ownership

Got questions?
Read on

What is a Tech Gig?

A tech gig is a mini-project with a clear and concise scope, is typically under 1 month, and requires an expert to execute. Gigs should ideally require little project onboarding time.

What if I need more work done after the gig is completed?

You can continue working with the expert who executed the gig on an hourly basis.

Are gigs a good option for larger projects?

For projects over 2 months with more than 1 expert, fixed price gigs become impractical and we strongly recommend you to hire the expert(s) via, on a fixed monthly retainer or engage over an hourly 'time and materials' setup.

How many bids do I receive for a gig?

For every gig you will receive between 1 and 3 bids to review.

How do payments work?

Payments are issued in 2 phase, with UPPER in the middle for security. The first payment of 50% is done upfront to start work. The second payment is done at the end after the work has been delivered.