Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG combines the generative power of pre-trained models like GPT with the specific, contextual insights from proprietary datasets to deliver highly accurate and relevant content.

Avg. Duration
~3 weeks
Avg. Price
AI Augmented Delivery
Human Expert Delivery

Delivery is executed by a vetted expert specialised on this gig.

Data Source Integration
Set up and integrate relevant data sources or knowledge bases that the model will retrieve information from.

Model Training and Fine-Tuning
Train the RAG model using a blend of generative and retrieval-based approaches. Fine-tune the model to effectively combine retrieved information with generative capabilities.

Testing and Quality Assurance
Thoroughly test the model for various scenarios and use cases to ensure the quality of generated content and the accuracy of retrieved information.

APIs and User Interfaces
Various APIs and user interfaces for querying the RAG system, complete with comprehensive documentation and integration support. On a case by case basis.

I'm looking for help setting up a system to enhance our document search functionality so that we make it easier for our internal people to find the most relevant information quickly. The system should retrieve the best matches from our database and present them in a useful way. Please explain your plan in simple terms and include how it will work.

Hugging Face
Google Vertex

Curated by

What is the role of the curator?

Alisa D.

Senior ML Engineer with top expertise in Data Science, Machine Learning, and Data Engineering, passionate about automating processes and deriving valuable insights from data.

11+ years of experience

Typical deliverables

  • <h3>Data Source Integration</h3>
    Set up and integrate relevant data sources or knowledge bases that the model will retrieve information from.
  • <h3>Model Training and Fine-Tuning</h3>
    Train the RAG model using a blend of generative and retrieval-based approaches. Fine-tune the model to effectively combine retrieved information with generative capabilities.
  • <h3>Testing and Quality Assurance</h3>
    Thoroughly test the model for various scenarios and use cases to ensure the quality of generated content and the accuracy of retrieved information.
  • <h3>APIs and User Interfaces</h3>
    Various APIs and user interfaces for querying the RAG system, complete with comprehensive documentation and integration support. On a case by case basis.

typical tool and tech stack used

Hugging Face
Google Vertex
When is
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

Enhance customer support to deliver precise answers to user queries

Tailored content creation, combining company-specific data with broad knowledge.

"UPPER was instrumental in helping us to add missing tech manpower and skills to our client's projects. The quality of the freelancers and the uncomplicated process gave us the confidence to not only use UPPER's service for single freelancers but also for entire delivery teams.”

Jakob Schwankhaus

Co-Founder and Managing Director

ONLY executed by experts!

Covering everything from Software Development, AI, Data, Design or Product Management.

Start a Gig


10+ years in software development

Dylan C.

8+ years of experience


11+ years in data science


9+ years in software development


10+ years xp in software development

Got questions?
Read on

What is a Tech Gig?

A tech gig is a mini-project with a clear and concise scope, is typically under 1 month, and requires an expert to execute. Gigs should ideally require little project onboarding time.

What if I need more work done after the gig is completed?

You can continue working with the expert who executed the gig on an hourly basis.

Are gigs a good option for larger projects?

For projects over 2 months with more than 1 expert, fixed price gigs become impractical and we strongly recommend you to hire the expert(s) via, on a fixed monthly retainer or engage over an hourly 'time and materials' setup.

How many bids do I receive for a gig?

For every gig you will receive between 1 and 3 bids to review.

How do payments work?

Payments are issued in 2 phase, with UPPER in the middle for security. The first payment of 50% is done upfront to start work. The second payment is done at the end after the work has been delivered.